Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Latter-Day Ruth

[Update: contact info for the writer/producer of Latter-Day Ruth is in the comments]

We used to go to my Grandparents' house every Sunday after church. We would have a yogurt cup full of popcorn and another yogurt cup of root beer. And we would listen to records of LDS music. I loved all of the music of "Saturday's Warrior," "My Turn On Earth," and some songs from "Latter-Day Ruth." The former two are available on iTunes and have been released on video and DVD, but the latter is nowhere to be found.
I would surely like to hear those songs again. Snippets from them have been surfacing in my memory lately.

"Dream - while there's time for dreaming,
Live - and don't forget it's meaning,
Life - goes on, it's what we're after,
Laugh - and don't forget your brother,
Work - and you'll grow old, God willing,
Now - once more and keep repeating,
The show of life goes on."

Strangely, I've never seen the actual musical, only listened to the record. Anyone out there in the world in possession of it on film and able to resurrect it ?

My sister has memories of an early Mormon made movie of a Dad who was severely overweight and depressed, maybe he lost his job or something, I don't know, but he decides he wants to die, but he can't commit suicide, because then his wife wouldn't get the insurance money, so he decides that he'll cause himself a heart attack by running. So, he goes out running one day and pretty much runs until he thinks he's going to die and passes out. But, he doesn't die, so he tries again the next day and the next. Pretty soon, he realizes that he's starting to feel better and turns his life around and improves his health.
Anyone know what that movie is called?


Scorchi said...

I would love to have the music from LDR again. There were several songs I really liked.

The other one I think was based on a true story. It is one of the Church-produced short movies that came several on a video tape. It seems like it another on the same tape was a story about Emmit Smith who was a runner and had to have a tumor removed through his ear which caused him to lose his equilibrium. Its the story of him trying to learn to run again. Both are very motivational.

Unknown said...

My mom has the record album, but I too would like to have a copy of it on CD and have no way of doing it. I also would love to see the musical. If anyone out there knows where I can purchase it, I would greatly appreciate it very much. Thank you. Mary

SillySlang said...

I did a quick search on craigslist and someone that would convert LPs to CDs for $12. Perhaps you can search the web for a service like that.
Or, I've seen record players for sale that have a USB connection to plug it in to a PC and then you can burn it yourself and offer the service to others who have priceless records that haven't been put on CD for a small fee!
If you go either of those options, please get an extra copy for me and I'll pay you for it!

Anonymous said...

I just contacted the producer and writer of "Latter-Day Ruth" looking for a copy of the audio recording. He gave me his e-mail and is sending me a copy on CD...
he can be contacted at ;)

Scorchi said...

That's way fun! I want to listen to it.

SillySlang said...

Dear Anonymous,
Thank you so much for the tip of how to reach the writer/producer of Latter-Day Ruth! I am so excited to hear this music again.

LorieinNY said...

I am so glad to see that I am not the only person who misses, and wishes they had, a copy of LDR. I know that people say it really has nothing to say to this generation (b/c of the National Wowen's Movement), but women want it all - just as they did when this came out. I would LOVE to get a copy of this, & will be emailing the poc mentioned below.

You know what else I would love to get my hands on? "Third Nephi" & "Charity Never Faileth"

SillySlang said...

I am not familiar with "Third Nephi" and "Charity Never Faileth." Maybe someone else is familiar with them out there in cyber-land. But, thank you for your comment.

Anonymous said...

Yea, thanks for your help! I just got my copy from Doug Stewart in the mail today and am happily listening to this music. It's still very timely in this day and age. Although I don't think that women want it all like they did in the 70's. Most women I know feel pressured to work by their husbands OR are single / single mothers and have to support themselves & children. Unfortunately, it's so much more common today.

Anonymous said...

Did you ever get a copy of latter day Ruth? I am wanting it too and was wondering if the email worked.

Anonymous said...

How long did it take and how much was it to get a copy of Latterday Ruth?

SillySlang said...

Yes, the e-mail worked, he put the CD in the mail before receiving my check. Honesty is a great policy.
I believe it was around $15. He is in UT and I'm in CA, so it took about a week to receive it.

Anonymous said...

I too contacted Doug Stewart and had the CD of Latter-Day Ruth sent out to me in Australia. For a small additional charge, he also sent me Star Child and The White Star which I hadn't hear before. I am listening to LDR and remembering why I loved it so much back then.

Anonymous said...

I had the LP but it was lost in a move. What are the lyrics to "Good Mormon Boys?" I had Starchild Cassette too but that was eventually worn out. Can you type out the Good Mormon boys lyrics?

SillySlang said...

I could work on that. :)

C. Michael Perry said...

The show itself is now available for live production again through Zion Theatricals. They will also be re-releasing the Cast Album as a CD withing the next 6 months By July of 2015.

C. Michael Perry said...

Star Child, Saturday's Warrior, The White Star, and A Day, A Night and a Day are all now available from Zion Theatricals.

SillySlang said...

Excellent! Thank you.