Happy New Year!
For family night last night we set some goals, personal goals and family goals in each of four areas: spiritual, educational, physical and temporal.
I saw a great tip here (scroll down about halfway to "Tracking New Year's Goals) to make posters of our goals and then decorate them with pictures that emphasize what they are about and hang up the posters.
I think we'll use regular size cardstock paper, so that when the year is over, we can put them in our scrapbooks.
We'll need to break them down into smaller weekly goals though, otherwise they might be too broad or vague to accomplish effectively.
I haven't decided, yet, if I'll post them all here.
I think it's safe to post our baby's goals. She is three months old now and has a lot to accomplish this year:
1. Be present for scripture reading, even if she's asleep (spiritual)
2. Study the English language (educational)
3. Learn to roll over (physical)
3.a. Learn to sit up
3.b. Learn to crawl
3.c. Learn to stand
3.d. Learn to walk
4. Smile & giggle (temporal)
We have a move coming up at the end of this month, so it's tempting to put off making posters until we are settled in our new house, but that seems too long to wait to be reminded of them.
I guess we should make the posters and if they get lost or ruined in the move, then we'll make them again!
I love these words from our Latter-Day Prophet, Thomas S. Monson:
Have the determination to make the effort, the single-mindedness to work toward a worthy goal, and the courage not only to face the challenges that inevitably come but also to make a second effort, should such be required. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says, “I’ll try again tomorrow.”
The rest of his article is wonderful also: Living the Abundant Life.
I look forward to the adventures that await us this year and I hope we will have a hand in creating most of those adventures, not just wait for them to come to us.
Wishing peace & prosperity and humble happiness & contentment to everyone out there!