Okay, so I've only seen about four or five Bollywood movies, but so far they have all been enjoyable.
Reasons why I like them:
1. There is no pre-marital sex. It's great to see a peek into a culture that still values moral standards. They are more likely to hug than kiss or...
2. they bust into a musical number! I enjoy watching their style of dancing and I'd much rather see people dance and sing than see people making out or having intimate relations which should be intimate and not a spectator sport.
3. They have subtitles, so I can watch it at a low volume. Which is also the only negative: they have subtitles, so I can't multi-task while watching, because sometimes the words go by too fast.
4. They speak English quite frequently, but they still have subtitles for it and they don't always match.
I watched "Kismat Konnection" last night, and the cute actor said something like, "The light are back on," and the subtitles said, "The electricity is back." I looked up the cute actor's name, it's Shahid Kapoor. I've only seen three of his many movies.
5. Oh, there is one more negative, occasionally the swear word that begins with an 's' escapes their lips, but on the plus side the subtitles said, "Oh no!"
Now ye may suppose that this is foolishness in me; but behold I say unto you, that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass; and small means in many instances doth confound the wise. (Alma 37:6)
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Hard things are hard to do
Oh, poor neglected blog; November has almost slipped by without a howdy-do. Bother, it's not for lack of thought, it's just Facebook gets all the fun little tidbits.
I'm listening to Three Cups of Tea, by Greg Mortenson, and in the first chapter (at least I think it was the first chapter, it's a little hard to go back and verify when it's audio; if I had the actual book I would quote it right, but I digress...), he says he was raised in a family that prized doing hard things and so he tries to scale the hardest mountain to climb in the world, no not Everest, K-2 in Pakistan.
While I have no desire to climb mountains that can kill ya just for being in thin air, I want to be a person that prizes doing hard things and teaches my kids to want to do hard things.
I am raising a family that prizes watching movies. I love watching movies, but I also love going places!
How do you teach people to love doing hard things?
I guess by example, eh?
I'm listening to Three Cups of Tea, by Greg Mortenson, and in the first chapter (at least I think it was the first chapter, it's a little hard to go back and verify when it's audio; if I had the actual book I would quote it right, but I digress...), he says he was raised in a family that prized doing hard things and so he tries to scale the hardest mountain to climb in the world, no not Everest, K-2 in Pakistan.
While I have no desire to climb mountains that can kill ya just for being in thin air, I want to be a person that prizes doing hard things and teaches my kids to want to do hard things.
I am raising a family that prizes watching movies. I love watching movies, but I also love going places!
How do you teach people to love doing hard things?
I guess by example, eh?
Thursday, October 27, 2011
No more "I'll be happy when..."
From a wonderful talk by DIETER F. UCHTDORF, Second Counselor in the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints: (the golden ticket reference is referring to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)
"The happiest people I know are not those who find their golden ticket; they are those who, while in pursuit of worthy goals, discover and treasure the beauty and sweetness of the everyday moments. They are the ones who, thread by daily thread, weave a tapestry of gratitude and wonder throughout their lives. These are they who are truly happy."
Gratitude and Wonder

It reminds me of a quote from Joe Versus The Volcano, when Patricia and Joe are talking late one night on the boat, she says, "My father says that almost the whole world is asleep. Everybody you know. Everybody you see. Everybody you talk to. He says that only a few people are awake and they live in a state of constant total amazement."
My baby looks totally amazed sometimes, when she's not asleep, probably because everything is new to her, she just can't believe her eyes.
Beauty and Sweetness of the everyday moments

My cousin said newborn babies have "magical smallness." I love that phrase.
Here is a pic of the tiny Forget Me Not flower:

"The happiest people I know are not those who find their golden ticket; they are those who, while in pursuit of worthy goals, discover and treasure the beauty and sweetness of the everyday moments. They are the ones who, thread by daily thread, weave a tapestry of gratitude and wonder throughout their lives. These are they who are truly happy."
It reminds me of a quote from Joe Versus The Volcano, when Patricia and Joe are talking late one night on the boat, she says, "My father says that almost the whole world is asleep. Everybody you know. Everybody you see. Everybody you talk to. He says that only a few people are awake and they live in a state of constant total amazement."
My baby looks totally amazed sometimes, when she's not asleep, probably because everything is new to her, she just can't believe her eyes.
My cousin said newborn babies have "magical smallness." I love that phrase.
Here is a pic of the tiny Forget Me Not flower:
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Bundle of Sweetness
September is quickly coming to a close. I waited all year for September to come and it has fulfilled the promise for which I was waiting so patiently:

We welcome our little girl to the world! Eight pounds, eleven ounces of sweetness.
O.K. September, you have my permission to move on over to let October come.

We welcome our little girl to the world! Eight pounds, eleven ounces of sweetness.
O.K. September, you have my permission to move on over to let October come.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Plans too great for this narrow space
Today's Google logo celebrate the patron saint of unfinished business, Pierre de Fermat.
I enjoyed this article about him.
It ends with this paragraph, (my favorite):
"So the next time someone asks you about the dishes in the sink, the half-written novel in the desk drawer, or that '67 Camaro sitting on blocks on your lawn, simply think of Fermat, and respond that you have a truly marvelous plan to finish your project, but that the day is too narrow to contain it."
I enjoyed this article about him.
It ends with this paragraph, (my favorite):
"So the next time someone asks you about the dishes in the sink, the half-written novel in the desk drawer, or that '67 Camaro sitting on blocks on your lawn, simply think of Fermat, and respond that you have a truly marvelous plan to finish your project, but that the day is too narrow to contain it."
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Liberal Arts
I hope this link works:
Liber & Public Virtue
It is a speech given by Oliver DeMille. Shanon Brooks published it as a tribute on the 4th of July.
I think it has some really important information. You're better off going to read it yourself than trusting my synopsis, but if you really don't feel like clicking on the link, (or if it doesn't work)...
It explains what Liber means, "which means the body of citizens reading the classics and history and knowing what is required to remain free," and how it is the root of liberty, libros (books), library, and the Liberal Arts which are "the knowledge and skills necessary to remain free...
What are those arts? Well, for the founders they were the arts of reading the classics and thinking clearly and independently."
There's more there that I wish I wasn't skipping, but I didn't just want to copy the whole thing, except for this paragraph:
"History has proven that freedom is not free. It must be earned. And one of the ways the founding generation earned it was in becoming Liber: getting the kind of education required to remain free. And by education they didn’t mean diplomas or degrees, but knowledge gained from reading the classics of history, law, government, and the arts."
The next two paragraphs are really good, too, though I already took a short quote and put it above. They basically say that if we lose the understanding necessary to remain free, then we will lose our freedom.
But the classics are still there, all we have to do is dust them off and read them. Well, that and do the hard work necessary to understand them.
Then it goes on to explain Public Virtue:
"In 1776 the term Public Virtue meant voluntarily sacrificing personal benefit for the good of society."
And it has really good examples and is pretty long and I haven't read it all, yet. Ha.
Liber & Public Virtue
It is a speech given by Oliver DeMille. Shanon Brooks published it as a tribute on the 4th of July.
I think it has some really important information. You're better off going to read it yourself than trusting my synopsis, but if you really don't feel like clicking on the link, (or if it doesn't work)...
It explains what Liber means, "which means the body of citizens reading the classics and history and knowing what is required to remain free," and how it is the root of liberty, libros (books), library, and the Liberal Arts which are "the knowledge and skills necessary to remain free...
What are those arts? Well, for the founders they were the arts of reading the classics and thinking clearly and independently."
There's more there that I wish I wasn't skipping, but I didn't just want to copy the whole thing, except for this paragraph:
"History has proven that freedom is not free. It must be earned. And one of the ways the founding generation earned it was in becoming Liber: getting the kind of education required to remain free. And by education they didn’t mean diplomas or degrees, but knowledge gained from reading the classics of history, law, government, and the arts."
The next two paragraphs are really good, too, though I already took a short quote and put it above. They basically say that if we lose the understanding necessary to remain free, then we will lose our freedom.
But the classics are still there, all we have to do is dust them off and read them. Well, that and do the hard work necessary to understand them.
Then it goes on to explain Public Virtue:
"In 1776 the term Public Virtue meant voluntarily sacrificing personal benefit for the good of society."
And it has really good examples and is pretty long and I haven't read it all, yet. Ha.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Education Quote
I was watching the documentary Darfur Now, and there was a really good quote from Hejewa Adam. Her village was burned down and (if I remember correctly) she was beaten severely while her baby was on her back and her baby died from the beating. Others in the village had their throats slit and boys under 5 were killed and the girls were taken away. Since she lost everything, she joined the rebels, fighting against the government that condones such violence against the people of their country, which is basically a genocide. She said, "The massacre in Shatia humiliated me and convinced me to join the rebel Army. I decided that I must help liberate our homes."
A little later in the movie she said, "Fighting alone will not solve the problem in Darfur. Those people who go to school and get an education are the ones who will solve the problem. But fighting with guns, that will not solve it. Even in a hundred years." (emphasis added)
I also like this quote from Don Cheadle in the movie, when asked by a random person "What can I do to help?" He says, "What can I do? I don't know, but more than nothing, a lot more than nothing."
Here is a link that explains a little more about the movie: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0988102/
A little later in the movie she said, "Fighting alone will not solve the problem in Darfur. Those people who go to school and get an education are the ones who will solve the problem. But fighting with guns, that will not solve it. Even in a hundred years." (emphasis added)
I also like this quote from Don Cheadle in the movie, when asked by a random person "What can I do to help?" He says, "What can I do? I don't know, but more than nothing, a lot more than nothing."
Here is a link that explains a little more about the movie: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0988102/
Monday, May 23, 2011
Free to Choose
This quote is from the For the Strength of Youth pamphlet, the subject on Agency and Accountability:
"You are also responsible for developing the abilities
and talents Heavenly Father has given you. You are
accountable to Him for what you do with your abilities
and how you spend your time. Do not idle away your
time. Be willing to work hard. Choose to do many good
things of your own free will."
Before that it talks about making good choices and how we are free to choose our actions, but not free to choose the consequences.
I think the above quote goes one step further, in that we are responsible to develop our talents. Sometimes we have to try different things to discover our talents, but all talents require time and effort to make them seem effortless.
"You are also responsible for developing the abilities
and talents Heavenly Father has given you. You are
accountable to Him for what you do with your abilities
and how you spend your time. Do not idle away your
time. Be willing to work hard. Choose to do many good
things of your own free will."
Before that it talks about making good choices and how we are free to choose our actions, but not free to choose the consequences.
I think the above quote goes one step further, in that we are responsible to develop our talents. Sometimes we have to try different things to discover our talents, but all talents require time and effort to make them seem effortless.
strange dreams
A few days ago, I dreamed that I was shopping at Target in the baby section and someone had left a baby on the store shelf. It wasn't a brand new baby, it was a rather plump probably 3-5 month old. I was pretty happy to find him/her (I didn't know which flavor it was) and thought I might just take him/her home and leave my name and number and address with the store so that if whoever left the baby changed their mind, then they would know where to find him or her. I'm not a kidnapper, after all.
But, in my beginning to wake state, I realized that the powers that be probably wouldn't let me just take the baby home. They would want to call child protective services and all that, not like in Moses's day when you could just draw a baby out of the water and keep him because you're a princess.
That's o.k. I'm going to have a new baby of my own in a few months, thus probably the reason for the strange dream.
I think it was the next day that I woke up dreaming about junk food. At church, there is a person or two that brings day old bread to give away for free. Lately, it has been from Trader Joe's, the good bread! I dreamed that we rode bikes to church and were just loading up on all kinds of stuff. There were bags (huge, clean garbage bags) full of day old kettle corn and there were different kinds of bags of chips and I picked up a donut bar with chocolate icing and just started eating it.
I haven't had a donut in a long time.
Oh, in that dream, I was so thirsty, but the drinking fountain spouted the water up through a bag of popcorn at first, then it switched so that it was running down the outside of the plastic bag that the popcorn was on, but it was still hard trying to slurp it off the plastic.
I hate dreams where I'm drinking and drinking, but I just can't taste the wetness of the water. That's usually when I have to wake up and get a drink and then the water just tastes heavenly.
But, in my beginning to wake state, I realized that the powers that be probably wouldn't let me just take the baby home. They would want to call child protective services and all that, not like in Moses's day when you could just draw a baby out of the water and keep him because you're a princess.
That's o.k. I'm going to have a new baby of my own in a few months, thus probably the reason for the strange dream.
I think it was the next day that I woke up dreaming about junk food. At church, there is a person or two that brings day old bread to give away for free. Lately, it has been from Trader Joe's, the good bread! I dreamed that we rode bikes to church and were just loading up on all kinds of stuff. There were bags (huge, clean garbage bags) full of day old kettle corn and there were different kinds of bags of chips and I picked up a donut bar with chocolate icing and just started eating it.
I haven't had a donut in a long time.
Oh, in that dream, I was so thirsty, but the drinking fountain spouted the water up through a bag of popcorn at first, then it switched so that it was running down the outside of the plastic bag that the popcorn was on, but it was still hard trying to slurp it off the plastic.
I hate dreams where I'm drinking and drinking, but I just can't taste the wetness of the water. That's usually when I have to wake up and get a drink and then the water just tastes heavenly.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Pics for the new year
Did you ever get Happy New Year'd in April? Well, now you have.
I have thought about my blog a few times this year. I didn't realize I hadn't posted ALL year! I've been a little busy. But, not too busy to notice the beauty of Spring.

Here is a nice Japanese Garden little waterfall.

And some beautiful trees, shall I wax poetic or let the picture speak for itself?

Sometimes "I think I shall never see a poem as lovely as a tree..." O.K. so that is not my poem, but belongs to Joyce Kilmer, we must give credit where credit is due.
I probably have a lot of pictures of this lighthouse, but I love the view.

I will take credit for these cute little toes next to my big foot.
I have thought about my blog a few times this year. I didn't realize I hadn't posted ALL year! I've been a little busy. But, not too busy to notice the beauty of Spring.
Here is a nice Japanese Garden little waterfall.
And some beautiful trees, shall I wax poetic or let the picture speak for itself?
Sometimes "I think I shall never see a poem as lovely as a tree..." O.K. so that is not my poem, but belongs to Joyce Kilmer, we must give credit where credit is due.
I probably have a lot of pictures of this lighthouse, but I love the view.
I will take credit for these cute little toes next to my big foot.
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